Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Ark antenna/inductor

 The Ark antenna/inductor is the fancy "crown molding" around the lid of the Ark. 

What they call "crown molding" (also "gold molding") is a rectangular large loop antenna. It is attached to the lid. When used by the priest the Ark is in the Near Field.

(Exodus 37)

10And they are to construct an ark of acacia wood, two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high.b 11Overlay it with pure gold both inside and out, and make a gold molding around it.



The earliest spark-gap transmitters before 1897 did not have a resonant circuit; the antenna performed this function, acting as a resonator. 

The Ark operating as transmitting antenna produced damped waves. 

damped wave was an early method of radio transmission produced by the first radio transmitters (spark gap transmitters) which consisted of a series of damped radio waves. Information was carried on this signal by telegraphy, turning the transmitter on and off (on-off keying) to send messages in Morse code. Damped waves were the first practical means of radio communication, used during the wireless telegraphy era which ended around 1920. In radio engineering it is now generally referred to as "Class B" emission. 

A series of damped waves, such as would be radiated by a spark-gap transmitter. In this graph, the vertical axis is the amplitude of the wave, in units such as voltage or electric field strength; the horizontal axis is time.

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