Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Shoulder antenna to ark antenna

Pressing a gem causes a charge to flow up to the onyx and looped wire at the shoulder. The current in the coil (looped wire) produces magnetic waves. 

This induces current in the ark antenna/inductor. The coil on the left (below) is the shoulder antenna/inductor. The circular wire on the right represents the Ark antenna/inductor (on the Ark it was actually rectangular):

The Priest was close to the ark. Within the Near Field. 

The near field and far field are regions of the electromagnetic (EM) field around an object, such as a transmitting antenna, or the result of radiation scattering off an object. 
Non-radiative near-field behaviors dominate close to the antenna or scattering object, while electromagnetic radiation far-field behaviors dominate at greater distances.

Some antennas look very much like loops, but are designed to couple with the inductive near-field – over distances of a meter (3.3 feet) or two (6.6) – rather than to transmit or receive long-distance electromagnetic waves in the radiative far-field.

 And the Ark was within the Near Field of a meter or two.

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